Monday, March 12, 2007


Since some time has passed since my last entry, I feel an update is in order. At the end of January, I quit my day job as an office manager to pursue my first love full time, teaching and training. So far, I have managed to stay busy but have some reservations about if I have a viable business. Time will tell.

I have a beautiful home office filled with items meant to keep me inspired, one of them a sign that says TRUST. I want this mantra of trust to permeate everything I do, both personally and professionally. On a deeper level, I need to trust everything is going to work out fine or else I feel the world may fall into a state of chaos.

Why so philosophical? Some events have colored my perspective including the sudden death of an acquaintance taken at an age where his life was just beginning to be lived, the possibility a dear friend may be seriously ill, and the death of a beloved pet and companion. If I didn’t believe, if I didn’t trust that everything will work out the way it should, I would be scared rather than resolved. Besides, only God knows what the plan is.

It all comes down to trust.

More about training to come…


Anonymous said...

Keep your chin up. Life if full of ups and downs. I'm convinced that we would experience little personal growth if it were not for the obstacles God allows to be placed in our way. It is experiencing difficult times that makes us more appreciative of life when it isn't tough. After all, it is all a matter of perspective. I can tell you after being a middle school assistant principal for 8 1/2 years, things that I used to feel were a real challenge seem suprisingly simple to me.

You seem like an individual with the right spirit, and the determination to work hard for your goals. I know you will make it happen. Keep a smile on your face and trust in the Almighty above.

God bless you,

Karen Sieczka said...

Thank you for the kind words.