Monday, August 22, 2011

The Paradox of Creativity

Creativity is often born in a paradox. Why? Many creative thinkers are divergent thinkers.  This means they are able to generate large quantities of ideas, whether brilliant or mundane, maintain a playful attitude about the process, and have the flexibility to switch perspectives to unusual and new associations.  The paradox comes from the need to temper creativity with a dogged determination and perseverance necessary to bring ideas from the conception stage to actual, practical use.  

One without the other results in a net gain of nothing: either there are no ideas generated or the ideas languish and die unused.

It’s here! Creativity@Work, Growing Great Ideas: Unleashing More Creativity@Work, with over 80 pages of ideas, exercises, and resources at the E-book website.

Follow me on Twitter or become a fan of my Facebook Creativity@Work page. I can also train you and your organization to be more creative and innovative using microsteps at work. Email me for more information.

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