Monday, September 11, 2006

They Call It Stormy Monday...

Although the terrorist attacks of 2001 are not training-related, I feel the need to add my thoughts on the day.

I remember where I was when it happened. You probably do as well, just like those who were around when Pearl Harbor was attacked. Moments like these get burned into memory.

I had the TV on in another room as I worked on my resume and did some on-line job hunting. I took a break and when I plunked down in front of the TV news, the sight of the World Trade Center building with smoke billowing out got my attention. The commentators were postulating perhaps a small plane had gone off course and caused the damage.

Then, suddenly, the second plane appeared and crashed. My chest tightened. I knew it was terrorism and I was more frightened at that moment than I have ever been in my adult life.

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