Thursday, November 02, 2006

It takes belief

During my interactions with students of myriad backgrounds and age groups, I have observed a common thread that hampers some during the learning process. Simply put, some have doubt they are capable of completing the task at hand.

The mind is tremendously powerful. When we believe we are capable of achieving a goal or mastering a task, we set ourselves up for a successful conclusion. Although it may not be easy, we begin having already sailed over one hurdle—a huge one at that! If we harbor the notion we are NOT able, we find ourselves in the midst of a self-fulfilling prophecy. The difference between a successful student and a struggling one is often a simple disbelief in one’s own ability to learn.

For those of us who interact with these tentative souls, we must remember one of our solemn duties as teacher is to find a way to instill, encourage, and nurture this belief within the student.

All have unique talents and skills, like no other person in this world. With a basic belief in our capabilities, we can all move mountains.

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